Below are examples of a couple of lessons which I have performed while student teaching. The first lesson, categorize and classify, asks students to categorize and classify based upon a collect of video game systems, controllers and sentences about their games. The second lesson, helps students identify the different ways in which text is organized by asking them to organize pictures from nine-eleven. Finally, the last lesson utilizes technology to help students practice their multiplication facts.
1. Title: Categorize and Classify
2. Date: Monday September 15, 2008
3. ODE indicators:
Make critical comparisons across texts. (p. 207)
(While this is the ultimate goal, for now the students will make critical comparisons among objects and within a text)
4. Student Performance Objectives:
The Students will categorize and classify 70% of the time while completing their categorization and classification worksheets.
5. Materials/Resources Needed:
2 Pictures of N64, PS2, 360 Controllers
A paragraph about N64, PS2, and 360 games (6)
2 broken N64, PS2, 360 systems
2 boxes (full of all of the materials listed above)
Grade 3: ES 2-4
Grade 4: ES 2-8
Grade 5: ES 1-6, ES 1-6
6 folding tags
2 Markers
6. Procedure: Time Estimate: 30 Min.
Review Friday’s lesson. Explain further that to understand the world around us we categorize information.
- Explain how everything in our lives is classified, give examples.
- Arrange the students into teams.
- Give each group a box of mysterious items.
- Tell the students that they are going to race.
- Whoever can classify their objects and label their piles first win.
- Review the contents of each pile.
- Discussion on how the contents of the box could have been categorized or classified otherwise (i.e. Label: Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo; Group: Controllers, Games, and Systems).
- Arrange the students into their ability groups.
- Pass out the students worksheets
- Ask the SE teacher to read Group 1 and Group 2’s worksheets for them.
Ask the students to come to a stopping point.
Review today’s objective.
The worksheets are differentiated by ability.
The SE teacher will assist those who need extra support.
The activity is also differentiated for Interpersonal, tactile, and audio learner. And the independent practice is differentiated for linguistic learners.
7. Assessment:
The student’s worksheets on categorization and classification will be 70% accurate.
1. Title: Text Organization and Sequence of Events
2. ODE indicators:
Identify, distinguish between and explain examples of cause and effect in informational text. (p. 207)
Summarize the main ideas and supporting details. (p. 208)
Identify the main incidents of a plot sequence and explain how they influence future action. (p. 208)
3. Student Performance Objectives:
The students, after learning about text organization and sequence of events, will complete a worksheet about text organization and sequence of events with 70% accuracy.
4. Materials/Resources Needed:
Class set of a worksheet with the same story told 2 different ways
Leveled worksheets
6 poster boards (with different flow sequences).
6 set of pictures for the poster boards about 9-11
5. Procedure: Time Estimate: 30 – 45 min.
Read the worksheet with the same story told two different ways.
Ask what the difference is.
Briefly discuss the different types of text organizations.
Give one example of each, and point out the characteristics.
Give an example of how each might be mapped out in pictures.
Ask the students to work with those at their table.
Give a poster board to each table, along with a set of pictures.
Ask the students to arrange the pictures on the poster board according to the flow charts that are on them.
Then, ask the students to label each poster as to what type of text organization it represents.
Circulate between the groups.
When posters are done, ask the students to present their poster board (what is happening in their pictures, how is this poster board and example of xyz?)
Talk about sequence of events/main idea a little further and state how these are the main forms of text organization.
Pass out everyone’s text organization/sequence of events worksheets and ask the students to work on them with the remainder of the class period and then at home.
Ask the students to come to a close and clean up their desk so that they are ready to move on to the next class. As they do so, review what they learned today.
Interpersonal, Verbal, linguistic, and visual
6. Assessment:
The students will have to obtain 70% accuracy on their text organization worksheets.
1. Title: Multiplication practice
2. Date: Friday, November 7, 2008
3. Indicator:
2. Use various forms of “one” to demonstrate the equivalence of fractions.
4. Student Performance Objectives:
The students, after practicing their multiplication facts, will show adequate knowledge of the facts by multiplying by several clever forms of one.
5. Materials/Resources Needed:
A class set of computers
Teacher Computer and projector
6. Procedure: Time Estimate: 45 min.
Opening: Talk about how in a couple days they will be learning about equivalent fractions. And, in order to understand equivalent fractions, they must, first, know their multiplication facts really well.
Body: Pass out computers and direct students to the website above. Show the students the website up on the projector and do one multiplication game with them. Then, have the students work independently. The students who have a firm understanding of multiplication facts can play the factor game or fraction memory.
Closure: Ask the students one thing that they learned.
Differentiation: Visual, intrapersonal. In addition, the technology will serve to aid struggling students in connecting with the material.
7. Assessment:
Students will complete a worksheet with 70% accuracy several days later. On the worksheet, the students will demonstrate their knowledge of multiplication facts by generating equivalent fractions by multiplying by a clever form of one.